Future Initiatives

Increased use of CMV safe platelets

The adoption of policies regarding the use of leucodepleted Cytomegalovirus (CMV) safe products in place of CMV seronegative blood products, for some patient groups, is being considered at a local and national level.

Further flexibility regarding the use of products will potentially allow for more optimal use of inventory and result in discard reductions.

Improved Inventory Modelling and Inventory Adjustments

Further modelling of platelet inventory levels at large sites is being considered for days with historically high wastage rates. For example, weekends/long weekends/public holidays are to be targeted for lower platelet inventory holdings because of reduced elective surgery performed during those periods, whilst still maintaining a sufficient emergency standby inventory. Determination of a safe base level for emergency standby inventory will need to be assessed as well as response time for the Australian Red Cross Lifeblood supply and/or replenishment.

Ongoing Daily Reporting

Ongoing automated reporting to senior operational laboratory staff is being considered. These reports will detail each platelet issued the previous day, providing information regarding its age and whether there were any suitable discarded platelets in the metropolitan network that could have been used instead.

Ongoing monitoring will assist in ensuring staff engagement with the multi-site day 5 platelet inventory concept and minimise the need for further BloodMove Platelets project oversight.